1 for 12.

1 for 12.

31 days of 2018 have passed.

I can’t help but think that everyone has already forgotten their new year commitments already but I’m trying to lean toward glass half full.

Have you forgotten the promise and excitement of 1/1? Are we back to our old ways and monotony? Don’t let it slip into another year of counting down the days. Don’t lose sight of that big decision you wanted to make. Don’t fall into the comfortability of complacency. The ones you admire took risks. They reminded themselves everyday of their priorities and goals. They honored that promise they felt for a new beginning. It's not just about losing weight or reading a book per month. It's more than saving money or staying in touch. 

Do you feel alive? Is what you are doing in line with who you want to be?

My 2018 mantra, per my NYE blog post, has been a commitment to finding my hunger while being content with just being me.

An update, of sorts:

Things I have felt and heard and focused on and chosen to believe in:

  1. I desire health. Abs are great but that shit doesn’t last forever. Bodies are vessels to experience the world. I listen to my body. I don’t only eat bland chicken and broccoli. I listen to what it says and what I need (versus only what I want).

  2. If you do not change your situation, nothing is going to happen. The same goes for the conversation. Either change it, or leave.

  3. The chase is endless and I’ll never win. The world of money and competition and cool instagram pics and status is an impossible game. It leads nowhere, and will land me on a hospital bed one day regretting how focused I was on this. I’m focused on love and generosity and intelligence and friendships.

  4. Sometimes there isn’t an answer or plan. Everything doesn’t happen for a reason. I can make choices of circumstance and attitude. The rest is a ride to be enjoyed.

  5. It’s okay to have a “normal” day. Routine and just existing are part of life. I’m trying to make the most of the time I have with a goal, a laugh, or a good glass of wine. Simplicity can coexist with time well spent.

Where do the next 11 months take us? Where do you want to go with them? Don’t let the commitment die. You have more in you than complacency. Choose yourself, because what you want and need matter.



Move Your Legs.

Move Your Legs.